TAR UMT Pahang Branch Home > Youth Hub Centre > Youth Empowerment Programme >  Mastering Microsoft Word with Mendeley Plugin: A Beginner's Guide 

Youth Empowerment Programme 2024-  Mastering Microsoft Word with Mendeley Plugin: A Beginner's Guide 

On 6th July 2024, the Youth Empowerment Programme held its seventh workshop, "Mastering Microsoft Word with Mendeley Plugin: A Beginner’s Guide." The event featured facilitators Ms. Ooi Jessie and Dr. Khor Hui Liang, lecturers from the Faculty of Computing and Information Technology, Pahang branch. Ms. Jessie and Dr. Khor provided the knowledge to participants how to do document references by using Mendeley’s plugin. The workshop was attended by 21 participants from various schools around Kuantan, Pahang.