Counselling Services

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Counselling offers various types of services and has a specific function in operating its roles and responsibilities. The counselor provides individual counselling, group counselling, and also guidance on career planning and decision making. The counselling services are conducted by a full-time registered counselor who has professional knowledge and skills to help the students achieve their physical and emotional growth.

  Book your appointment (click here)

*All counselling sessions are strictly private and confidential.

Ms Wong Ngik Lin

Student Counsellor

 Registered Counselor 

What is counselling?

Counselling is a process concerned with assisting normal people to achieve their goals or functions more effectively (Ivey, Ivey, and Downing, 1987).

The services offered by the Student Counselling Services:

Counselling operating hours

How to make an appointment:

*Visit Admin Building to fill up the form (Ground Floor) or call 09-5738171/2/3  at Ext.: 113 to make an appointment.

*Counselling Room is located at the consultation room (Second Floor) beside the lecturers office.

Individual Counselling

Group Counselling